Although the provider of the albion online are currently dealing with a number of rivalries at the moment, history shows the lastest guild spotlight Gentlemen have no problem holding their own against those that oppose them. Throughout the five months that Closed Beta has been underway, they have sustained battles with a variety of noteworthy rivals.


We used to have a lot of fights with KDS and Hammer and Sickle a few weeks ago and it was really a great experience fighting those guys.

As Closed Beta continues to present Gentlemen new challenges, Tajger reflects on the goals and accomplishments of the guild thus far, and what the future will hold for them as a unit. The guild leader feels that the organization has achieved even more than originally intended.

Not only have Gentlemen been successful in defending their base from numerous attacks throughout Closed Beta, they are also expanding their bounds and continue to maintain acquired land.

Enjoy the video about Gentlemen vs Hammer and Sickle 20 v 20 below:

By coolyou