There have been some talk about learning points being able to unlock progression with ZERO fame gained. But in my opinion there are lots of LP and fame problems in Albion Online, the biggest problem is that LP and fame are not linear and higher you go more efficeint it is to use LP instead of grind. For example:


It’s clear from this graph that it’s more efficient to grind your way throught first masteries but once you reach last few, LP is way to go.

Other problem is that Weapons,armors, helms, boots, have different LP costs. But all require same fame.

Extra data some of you might find interesting:
First of I separated average fame gained per hour in to 3 categories
10k/h= solo yellow zone low gear
30k/h= group dungeon runs
100k/h = T6 portal running

T8.6/8.5/8.4 = means unlocking all items in given line
MAX OUT = 10/10 full mastery on main and support line


Fame per hour T8.3 T8.6 T8.6/8.5/8.4 MAX OUT
Full grind 10K/hour 931h 10637h 17445h 75123h
30k/hour 310h 3546h 5815h 25041h
100k/hour 93h 1064h 1744h 7512h
20%grind 80%LP days worth of LP 6.2 days 21.4 days 44.1 days 101.2 days
10K/hour 186h 2127h 3489h 15025h
30k/hour 62h 709h 1163h 5008h
100k/hour 19h 213h 349h 1502h
only LP days worth of LP 23 78 162 371

To unlock 2h weapon:

fame per hour T8.3 T8.6 T8.6/8.5/8.4 MAX OUT
Full grind 10K/hour 931h 10637h 17445h 75123h
30k/hour 310h 3546h 5815h 25041h
100k/hour 93h 1064h 1744h 7512h
20%grind 80%LP days worth of LP 24.6 days 85.4 days 176.4 days 404.6 days
10K/hour 186 2127 3489 15025
30k/hour 62 709 1163 5008
100k/hour 19 213 349 1502
only LP days worth of LP 90 days 313 days 647 days 1483 days

FULL GEAR (helm, chest,boots,2h weapon):

fame per hour T8.3 T8.6 T8.6/8.5/8.4 MAX OUT
Full grind 10K/hour 931h 10637h 17445h 75123h
30k/hour 310h 3546h 5815h 25041h
100k/hour 93h 1064h 1744h 7512h
20%grind 80%LP days worth of LP 49.2 days 170.8 days 352.8 days 809.2 days
10K/hour 186h 2127h 3489h 15025h
30k/hour 62h 709h 1163h 5008h
100k/hour 19h 213h 349h 1502h
only LP days worth of LP 180 days 626 days 1293 days 2967 days

By coolyou